Polaroid 600 Replacement Can You Use Fujifilm FP-100 C As Replacement For Polaroid One-Step 600 Instant Camera?
Can You Use Fujifilm FP-100 C as replacement for Polaroid One-Step 600 Instant Camera? - polaroid 600 replacement
I recently received a Polaroid One Step instant camera-600 and I wonder whether there is Fujifilm FP-100C can be used as a substitute for Polaroid is not making movies? If not, then, what movie you would suggest more instant film Polaroid 600?
Unfortunately, the FP-100C is not a substitute for the type of Polaroid 600 film. First, it is a very different process (the image is peeled apart instead of spitting in front). Secondly, in contrast to the film type 600, FP-100C is no battery in the package film. Finally, the image size and the size of the packaging is quite different.
To use the film FP-100C, you need either a medium-format camera with a film again prohibitive) (costs, a Holga with a Polaroid back (FP-100C is a bit too difficult to expect an adjustment to Exposure 1 Each approach Holga used) or a Polaroid camera is much older than Land Camera 100, or the reporter. I had some pretty amazing results with my older Polaroid - Land Camera 100, 210, 215, 230 and 440 minutes and the creator and the rapporteur - I have everything from thrift stores, and all of them could work, or better, regardless of the fact that most of them are older than me (in 1960 and 70 out). In fact, I have all the (Land Camera 100, and most of the Rapporteur), emulsion lift PROJECTS I worked until recently.
If you really want for One-Step, there are people in Europe who are trying to raise are new and the type of Polaroid film 600, it can still hope. It will take some time before it all together, but if you have patience, you can use the new Polaroid.
Polaroid 600 FujiFulm FP-100 is not compatible with the cross. Find more Polaroid 600 film, but there is production more expensive. What you can do about it, not much!
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