Medical Diagnosis I Need A Resource Where I Can Find A Medical Diagnosis For My Physical Symptoms.?

I need a resource where I can find a medical diagnosis for my physical symptoms.? - medical diagnosis

I want a table where you can find a symptom, and answer questions about the disease until it is diagnosed.


waiting4... said...

bmac said...

Are you kidding? You need to go to your doctor. No online again in a position to diagnose what happened.
First, one can say that they are not doctors and nurses there.
Second, laboratory tests may have and other tests.
Third: Those who self-Line is incorrect.

alicia said...

Copy and Paste

Funchy said...

If it so easy to diagnose the disease, we would not need doctors. It is an art, troubleshooting and troubelshooting.

mommyme said...

If you by a chart of the symptoms of the disease in May, millions have other diagnosis. What if you are a side effect of the new RX all the same. Symptoms of reading are the same, are fairly accurate. Talk to your doctor or if you are very specific, such as gynecology or IE, heartburn, insomnia, headache, maybe you can take with the help of someone who has had similar problems. I had an unusual number of medical problems, and when I read about them, until basically the same. Often it can seem worse than it is and what is not as bad as it can be.

GreenHor... said...

Self-diagnosis can be fatal and it is always stupid.
Most doctors do not treat members of their own family.

Beware of doing the people here in such a way as doctors or nurses.
Only a doctor can legally give medical advice.

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